Our Mission Statement
The mission of the KAPT, above all else, is to promote the welfare of the DGK student in all aspects of student life. The KAPT is organized in part behind achieving goals to the betterment of the school environment.
By achieving our goals, the KAPT fosters a supportive, productive and beneficial relationship between the student, parent, teacher, administration and staff.
Contact us at kapt@dgkschool.org
Executive Board
President: Joanna Vrakas
First Vice President: Effie Marinakis-Sergentakis
Second Vice President: Pauline Davetas
Recording Secretary: Stella Koutsakis
Corresponding Secretary: Catina Kambouris
Treasurer: Joyce Frangos
Members At Large
Dayala Madimenos
Maria Flessas
Kelly Alaimo
Danielle Hatgipetros
Maria Klapakis
Alexandra Alaimo
Julia Liddy
Stephanie Mitilis
Stacey Barbagianis
Joanne Teran
KAPT Contributions
Air conditioning units in pre-k, nursery classrooms,library,greek and main offices.
NY State Science Olympiad expenses
Bell System for School
Non_Fiction Scholastic books for every classroom library
Purchase of Designer Bag for Heart to Heart Fundraiser
Purchase of Designer Bag for Bouzouki Night Fundraiser
Purchase of field day equipment, lunch, refreshments and buses
Bread for Entire Festival
Furniture for office
Oxi Day Programs
Thanksgiving Day Feast
Safe Transportation for Basketball teams
Two Anti-bullying Assemblies, one in English and one Greek
Christmas Bonuses for Teachers and Staff
Christmas Gifts for Principal and Father
Refreshments for Open House
Christmas Pizza Party for student body
Trophies for Basketball
Holy Cross Journal Ad
Teachers’ Christmas Breakfast, Teacher’s Appreciation Pizza Day, Professional Development lunch
Sweatshirts for Basketball teams
Outdoor Classroom
Honored two eight grade graduates with the Greek Arista Award
Hosted the DGK Festival of the Arts and provided 5 piece musical ensemble
Valentines Day Festivity for Students with cupcake decorating
Sponsored Tshoukno-Pempti Luncheon for School
Refrigerator for Faculty lounge
Treasure Island Production Assembly
Professionally cleaned rugs
Year-Book Ad
Buses for three library trips
Hosted Tsoliades Assembly
Bought Snow Blower for DGK
Donated Greek books for the Library
Icon Project
Repaired broken wire glass in gym
Newspaper article for Mr. Kakias
Philanthropic donation to our crossing guard for cancer stricken son
Nistisimo Katheri Deftera tasting lunch menu for the students
Parade services and ties for Faculty and KAPT
Apokriatiko celebration with masks
Decorations for Christmas Show
Piano Tunning
Test Prep Books from Kaplan
Christmas Cookie Bake for Students
ADA Accessible Ramp